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Bonsai Roundup


Trying something new today… an assortment of images that popped up on my facebook timeline. 

Both the perfectly balanced tree and the simplicity of the setting caught my attention. It was posted by Andres Alvarez Iglesias. No variety listed.

This one stands in contrast to the photo above in so many ways. It was posted by Enrico Savini. His caption reads “These stolen photos in the night shadows…”

Here’s something about leaf sizes on collected trees that was news to me and just might be news to you too. But you’ll have to visit Michael Hagedorn’s Crataegus Bonsai blog to get the story. 

Speaking of Michael if you somehow haven't read his excellent book please do.

David Benavente posted this excellent video, but you’ll brush up on your Spanish if you want the whole story.

This Japanese white pine was posted by Bjorn Bjorholm (Eisei-en Bonsai). Here’s his caption… “Field-grown in Japan and imported to the U.S, this chuuhin-size JWP is grown on its own roots and possesses soft, feminine foliage, characteristic of the species.”

Some of Walter Pall’s pots. It’s always nice to have a good selection on hand so you can find just the right one. What you see here is, I think, more than good… one can dream.

Walter Pall again. It’s a Scots pine that’s was collected in Sweden in 2019.

I think we’ve shown this one before. It belongs to Mauro Stemberger. His caption reads… “Me & Buddha are ready for ARCO BONSAI 2021, and You????”

This was posted by Luis Vallejo at his Jardin de Bonsai. Looks like a Shimpaku.

Posted by Mariusz Folda, a bonsa, ceramic and landscape artist we’ve featured a few times over the years.

On a sadder note two weeks ago some family and I had reservations at a lodge not too far aways from these majestic giants. Three of our party had never seen them. For me it would have been my third time, but no such luck. Two days before we were scheduled we got a call from the lodge that the forest service had closed the area. The next day this fire broke out.

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