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Powerful & Realistic Bonsai Forest


Impressive! I don't know what the trees are, though they look like conifers, maybe even pines. It would be nice to have a closer look, but beggars can't be choosey

When I first saw caught site of this planting on Quoc Viet Tran‘s timeline, I was immediately struck by how powerful and realistic it is. I wish I could tell you more about it, but no information is provided. I guess we’ll have to settle for simple appreciation of the artist’s mastery
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Left side, closer up. I cropped the original photo for closer looks (here and the next two). One thing that distinguishes this plant from many others is the in-scale foliage. Still we're not close enough to be tell what kind of foliage it is

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I’m pretty sure Quoc Viet Tran is a Vietnamese name, so you might assume the planting is in Vietnam. though as mentioned above, Tran provides no caption, so it’s all guesswork at this point

Right side. Another mystery about this tree is the long narrow whitish things on the ground. They must be little soaker hoses, or am I missing something?


Middle section, with a good look at the pond and rocks

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