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A Happy Bonsai Accident



The original caption from Milan Karpíšek reads "Sabina of my friend ready for a show." From this we might assume that the tree belongs to a friend and was styled by Milan, but we know about assumptions.

The three trees shown here are from Milan Karpíšek’s fb photos (Milan is from the Czech Republic). Like many of the bonsai featured here, these were discovered by accident (aka stumbled upon). A very happy accident indeed.

After yesterday’s post featuring two Savin junipers (Juniperus sabina) by Gaicomo Pappalardo, I went back to see others we’ve featured over the years and was surprised by just how many there are. This one is from July, 2014. The post was titled A Happy Accident 


The caption on this lovely literati says "My entry on Noelanders." Milan doesn't say what kind of pine it is (Scot's?). BTW: The Noelanders Trophy is one of Europe's premier bonsai shows.


The caption on this one reads "For Sándor Papp the best picture of my Sabina photo Willy Evenepoel, Pilsen 2é11."



Close up of the tree at the top of the post. One thing that stands out is just how small the pot is relative to the tree. It's the mounding that makes this possible, but even so, that's a lot of tree for a small amount of soil.


This close up of the elegant second tree provides a better look at the wonderfully aged bark and that chic shari. Nice pot too.


This close up provides a great look at the superb handmade pot and that sweet little fern. Not to take anything away from the tree itself, which needs no superlatives. 

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