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A Nap in the Nebari



As you can see, this muscular bonsai belongs to David Benavente, one of Europe's best know bonsai artists. The tree isn't identified on our source, but it looks a lot like a Japanese white pine

Today we’ve got a quick study of two David Benavente’s pines. We’ve long been impressed with David’s bonsai and have featured them many times here on Bonsai Bark. I found these photos on a fb page titled Una siesta in el nebari (A nap in the nebari)
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Few things lend as much age (or impression of age) as well developed bark. And it's an honest, hard to fake impression; bark is only looks old when it is old. Nebari is another feature the adds to this impression, and though this nebari isn't overwhelming, it's pretty good for a pine

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We’ll allow for poetic license when it comes to the title, A nap in the nebari.  And just in case you aren’t familiar, Nebari is a Japanese word that refers to the base of a bonsai trunk, where exposed surface roots flare out. Both trees shown here have somewhat modest nebari, which is to be expected with pines (unlike some maples for example, which can have very dramatic nebari)

db4Another muscular pine that also looks like a Japanese white



Given the impressive bark, there's no denying the age on this tree. And like the tree above, it has a well developed nebari (for a pine, at least)

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