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Small Bonsai & Thinking Ahead


The winner of the Finest Mame Bonsai at the 6th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition. It's a Willow leaf ficus (Ficus neriifolia) that belongs to Johnson Teh. No dimensions are given, but some sources list mame as up to 4" (10cm) tall. Others go a little taller. Oscar Jonker took the photo. I cropped it for a closer look. Oscar's original is below

The thinking ahead part of the title has at least two meanings. The first has to do with planning for the day you'll want your bonsai to be small (this is about growing old* something some of us have already accomplished). Small bonsai take less space for your retirement condo balcony, are easier to move for tired backs and typically cost less than large ones (think retirement income)

The other reason for planning has to do with making your arrangements for the 7th U.S. National Bonsai Exhibition which will be in Rochester, NY in September. See below for more 


The winner of the Finest Shohin Bonsai Display. It belongs to John Kirby. Oscar Jonker took the photo. No varieties are given (you can find those in the 6th album). See below for a couple close ups

If the photos shown here look familiar it's because I borrowed them from a post we did last year. Or perhaps you were at the 6th National and saw the trees in person or in the 6th U.S. National Exhibition Album


The main or standard part of John Kirby's Shohin display (Nanaten tanakazari)
 The sub-stage (Maeoki or Hanadashi). I used Morten Albek's Shohin Bonsai (Stone Lantern Publishing - out of print) as a reference for the Japanese terms


Oscar's original photo of Johnson Teh's Willow leaf ficus. I think the relationship to space is better in this photo, but I like to see as much detail as possible, thus closeup at the top of the post 


Time to make your plans for the 7th U.S. National
We'll see you there!

 *Thanks to the wonders of analytics, we know that a majority of our readers and customers are either retirement or pre-retirement age. This is something we already knew based on observation, but now the algorithms have verified it

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