Doing the Twist. This tree belongs to Mauro Stemberger (Italian Bonsai Dream). Mauro has one of the most dramatic bonsai collections in the West, and though this one certainly qualifies, is there a line between dramatic and eccentric?
Continuing with ‘Eccentric Bonsai’ from two days ago, here’s another one from our archives (November, 2016). Two of the trees in this post are naturally twisted and the other two were twisted by the hands of man. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble telling which is which.
Even though there’s something unnatural about many of the twisted by-the-hands-of-man bonsai, some work better than others and this one qualifies. Photo by Jonas Dupuich of Bonsai Tonight.
This natural looking twisty pine with its well chosen pot was posted by Tae-Kukiwon-Bonsai (aka Eduardo Mourão Guedes).
Twisted in the extreme. I’m pretty sure I've never seen tree this twisted, though there are some Whitebark pines Pinus albicaulis at the treeline on Mt Lassen in Northern California that come pretty close. This photo is from Carlos van der Vaart.