The Guardian of Laments is Giacomo Pappalardo's name for this magnificent old European larch (Larix decidua)
Another before and after and it’s a good one. I have a soft spot for larches, though ours are Tamaracks (Larix laricina) and this one is a European larch (Larix decidua). Not the same tree, but similar, though the similarity ends when you compare a tree like this with the much younger ones I’ve been growing here for the last fifteen years or so (this one was no doubt collected from the wild and shows all the signs of great age). Here’s your link to Giacomo Pappalardo timeline for more on this tree.
Before, from 2007. I don't know when it was collected
Lots of action in the old trunk...
...and a well developed apex makes for a impressive old tree
Here's Giacomo's before and after (after and before) photo