This amazing trunk belongs to Salvatore Liporace. The rest of the tree was frost damaged but appears to be on the road to recovery
After a confusing journey through some miserably machine translated Italian, I finally figured out what kind of tree this is (I had a hunch but needed evidence to back it up). But rather than telling you straight out, let's turn the question into a contest.
The first person to email me with the botanical and common names of this tree, with proof* will win a 25.00 gift certificate to Stone Lantern. Here's your link to Salvatore on fb that you'll need to get started. And remember, NO PROOF, NO PRIZE*
Send your answers to Contest ends when we have a winner or at 12 noon U.S. EDT Thursday, July 11
*Asking Salvatore will NOT constitute proof for the sake of this contest. You have to find it on your own. Hint, the proof is in the comments
Salvatore's caption for these is simply... "Shadow and light!!!"
Just in case you don't know him, Salvatore Liporace has long been a bright light in European and world bonsai. We've featured him several times over the years and it's a safe bet that he'll turn up here again

"Il primo selfie non si scorda mai!! 😂😂😂 e si alimenta l’ego ..."
"The first selfie never forgets!! 😂😂😂 and feeds the ego..."