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Another Bonsai Detective Story


Tree number 1 in our new Bonsai Detective Contest

Okay, that last one was too easy, so we'll up the ante with this one. Three trees with two questions for each

First question: what kind of tree is it? 
Second question: who styled it or who does it belong to?
Do your best to provide answers for all 3 trees and you just might win

If you would like optional bonus points, provide what proof you can for your answers

The contest will end Sunday, July 13th at 11:59pm EDT. First prize will win a 50.00 coupon to Stone Lantern. Second prize 25.00 coupon, third prize 10.00 coupon. If two or more people tie, then first come first serve

Email me with Bonsai Detective in the subject line. I will only answer the winners. If you don't get an email from me, it means you didn't win. Good hunting and good luck!
Continued below...


Tree number 2 

Often moving slowly has its advantages, however, speed can win in some situations. For example, Charles Peterfy beat our old friend Ken To by seven minutes in our contest we held the other day. Both had the correct name (Quercus suber - Cork oak) and the proof, as did several others who were simply lagging in time.

And then there were some who simply guessed. Often incorrectly. The moral of that story is, little effort no prize. 


Tree number 3


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