There's nothing quite like bark to lend an aged feel to a bonsai. If you're skilled enough, you can make a tree look a lot older than it is with a few handy techniques. But you can't create old bark.
As you can see this Japanese white pine belongs to David Benavente, one of Europe's best know bonsai artists. In fact all of today's bonsai are by David.

Another muscular white pine. I wonder if both of these trees are white pines grafted onto Japanese black pine stock. This is fairly common practice. Especially in Japan where both species are native.

You can see where David intentionally broke the trunk to create interest. The rebar will hold it in its new position until it heals.

Before. Now it's clear why he broke it.

Full cascade Scot’s pine.

A wild Wild Olive.

It's almost that time of year. Here's David caption: Rhododendron indicum “Shin Nikko” hoy, en plena floración (today in full bloom). 45x55cm (18" x 21.5").

An olive. There was no caption with the original, but I think it speaks for itself.

Lizard on a European olive. Is it the same tree?

David's exquisite bonsai garden at just the right moment.

Fall color. I'm always impressed with how well organized and neat David's nursery looks. And then there are those magnificent trees.