I think we showed this tree recently. But not in this light! All today's photos were posted by Romini Ranasinghe. They were taken in January at the Omiya Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama Japan. None are identified though many are familiar to Bonsai Bark. I was struck by the light and color in most. There's nothing quite like slanted light on a sunny winter day.
If you don't live in a cold climate, you might be surprised at how much conifer foliage changes color from summer to winter.

Another example of conifer color change. This must be a Cryptomeria, which are sometimes called temple trees in Japan.

Nice nebari!

This monster reminds me of California juniper. Probably not though. Most likely a native Japanese juniper.

This monster reminds me of California juniper. Probably not though. Most likely a native Japanese juniper.