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Visited By The Bonsai Muse: Harry Harrington


Time for our old friend Harry Harrington. Still one of the most distinctive and industrious bonsai artists we know. I'd like to call him a genius because of just how unique and seemingly uncontrived so many of his bonsai are, but I think he might take offense. 

Can you see this...

... when you look at this?

Or how about this? All the same tree reimagined and styled by Harry Harrington. I think maybe Harry has been visited by the great Bonsai Muse. 

Here's what Harry wrote about it. "Sometimes I’m forced to make room in my personal collection. It’s just not possible to keep everything when I have so many other trees coming through at a reasonable quality.
This is an English Elm bonsai I collected in 2004 (see image from 2005), that has brought a lot of pleasure but will soon be on its way to another garden.
I have heaps of progression and instructive images of the tree from over the years and will be in a book/magazine at some point in the future!"

Have you gotten your copy of Harry Harrington's Foundations of Bonsai yet? It is a must-have for bonsai beginners and long-time practitioners alike. Harry Harrington is a unique force in our world bonsai community. What he accomplishes with inexpensive, undeveloped and sometimes unattractive material is nothing short of impressive. We can all benefit from Harry evolution as a bonsai grower and artist of considerable dedication and skill.

You can get your copy here


Harry Harrington on FB
Harry's Bonsai4me website
Harry on BBC
Harry on Bonsai Bark

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