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Time to Up Your Deciduous Bonsai Game



The inimitable Walter Pall with one of his many powerful Japanese maples. Walter is one of the four instructors for Bonsai Empire's Deciduous Bonsai Course 

If you had a chance to take a bonsai course with Walter Pall in the comfort of your own home or workshop, and at your own speed, would you take it? I know I would. In fact, I am (read on)

What about a course with Mauro Stemberger? Same deal, your own home etc. A no brainer for sure. The same goes for Harry Harrington? I certainly wouldn't pass up a chance to study with Harry

You probably have figured out by now that it's one course featuring all three of these impressive bonsai artists and teachers... well, actually there are four of them when you include the bonus section on Rock planting with Jan Culek
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Mauro Stemberger of Italian Bonsai Dream has long been a favorite here on Bonsai Bark. When you take the course you'll know why

And if you're on a budget like so many of us, the price is right. If you can imagine traveling to take courses with each of these accomplished teachers compared to this single course, your savings are enormous (by the way, I do not get a cut... I do this for the love of bonsai and my respect for these accomplished teachers and for Oscar at Bonsai Empire and his rich schedule of courses... and for you too!) 

Here's a taste of what you can expect... The teachers explain the stages of developing Deciduous Bonsai, with a series of case-studies and technique lectures. If you go to the course, you can watch the free previews. If you are anything like me, the previews are all the encouragement you'll need to go ahead and enroll
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If you've been following Harry Harrington, the third instructor, you know what unique talent he possesses. Especially with deciduous bonsai, one of his specialties

After enrolling in the course, you will always have unlimited online access to all the lectures and to the learning materials, on any computer, tablet or mobile device you own. It is a completely self-paced online course. 

What about pre-requirements? This course continues where the "Intermediate Bonsai Course" ended; we assume you have a solid understanding of Bonsai techniques and are ready for a deep-dive in Deciduous Bonsai development
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Jan Culek, the bonus instructor with one of his rock plantings

The rest is up to you. All you have to do is sign up and you're on your way to upping your Bonsai skills and knowledge while enjoying yourself and your bonsai at your own pace


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