Even though Nacho Marin doesn't mention the species, the origin of the crazy pot or give any indication of the tree's size, I couldn't resist. Here's Nacho's caption... "El estudio de la dinamica y el movimiento en el proceso de la deconstruccion de la imagen siempre arroja resultados impactantes." And here's my translation... "The study of the dynamics and movement in the process of deconstructing the image, always yields impressive results" All the images in this post are from Nacho's timeline
It has been awhile since we visited Nacho Marin, someone who was an accomplished artist before he started with bonsai. This might help explain his unusual approach. Most of us are influenced by the bonsai we see and study as we move along the bonsai path. This can be very helpful, but can also result in conformity rather than a more personal and daring approach. But maybe less so with Nacho, who brought an artist’s sensibilities from the beginning.
No species again, but at least we have some idea of the size of this one (see below)
Bigger than you thought? Nacho Marin the artist (on the left) with Ricardo Marin the owner. The caption says... "Nacho Marin Bonsai School....Guadalajara Mexico....9 2018." Nacho also has a Bonsai School in Bogata, Columbia
Nacho with an Acacia farnesiana