Larches in training by Francois Jeker
Though larch (Larix) bonsai are not entirely uncommon, you don't see as many as certain other northern conifers. I'm not sure why, they are easy to grow (especially if you live in a cold climate), not that difficult to style and are naturally attractive trees.
If you start with decent stock and you have some grasp of design and technique, you can end up with the kind of results you see above and on other posts here on Bonsai Bark
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Coming in September - Time to start making your plans
Continued from above...
Which brings us to my Larches and the upcoming 7th U.S. National Bonsai Exposition in Rochester NY (September 2020). I'll be bringing quite a few American larch (aka Tamarack, Larix laricina) and most will be more advanced than the small sampling we presented in 2018. Anyway, it's not too early to put North America's most important bonsai event on your calendar and start making plans

This towering Tamarack is too tall for Sutin's photo, so the top and a tiny piece of the bottom of the pot are missing. It belongs to Suthin Sukosolvisit and is from a post we did back in 2016. Tamarack is a local name for the American larch (Larix laricina). Suthin identifies it only as 'larch,' a genus of trees that numbers about twelve species; so Tamarack is a guess based on geography
Inspiration for your bonsai. Here's something from a post we did back in April, 2010.
The photo originally came from Bonsaimania.
If you think you've seen the trees in this post, it may be because we featured them back in 2016. We haven't borrowed much from our archives lately, but it's the home stretch of the holiday frenzy and there's much to do, so we've made an exception for today
check out Francois Jeker's excellent books
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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas,
Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa
(sorry if I missed yours)
May you enjoy a prosperous healthy New Year
with good friends & family