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A Bonsai Story You Won't Soon Forget


This Chinese quince makes its home at the National Bonsai & Penjing Museum. Indulge me for a second while I point out the obvious. There's the impossible to miss fruit, the lovely pot and the masterpiece stand that it all sits on. Sometimes we fix on the tree and forget the pot. Doubly so with stands, and in this case at least, that would be a shame

I've got a suggestion for this summer. Go to our nation's capital and allow yourself to experience part of our living history. And while you're there make time to visit the National Arboretum. And of course, our National Bonsai & Penjing Museum. I think you'll be happy you made the trip and if you want, you can spread the happiness by telling your friends and maybe share some photos too

Meanwhile, here are a few shots from the Japanese Collection. Soon we'll feature the North American and Chinese Collections. 


Here's a famous Japanese white pine with a story you won't soon forget 


A magnificent Toringo crabapple. The tiny fruit is easy to miss, but if you look closely...


This lovely old Hinoki cypress has been in training since 1875


You see can see age in the lined trunks. They are Cryptomeria japonica, a species native to Japan that you often find planted around temples


You don't see that many good Ginkgos. They grow just the way they want, wire or our desire notwithstanding


Japanese beech forest. We've got American beech everywhere here in Vermont, but when it comes to bonsai, they just aren't the same


The Museum logo is taken from this craggy old Shimpaku juniper (Juniperus chinensis, var sargentii)


A piece of John Naka's famous Goshin


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