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Bonsai Trifecta


This luminous little Japanese white pine belongs to Suthin. It's a winner, right down to the pot and the yellow-green moss.

Continuing from yesterday with Suthin and pines. The three little trees in this post appeared here one year ago (March, 2017) and were originally from Suthin’s facebook photos


Another strong little Japanese white pine.


This rough little gem is a Japanese black pine. Still a little grooming to do, but all the right stuff is present.

Before & After Bonsai with at Least Five Names


Suthin's before and after Japanese five needle pine, aka Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora aka Pinus parvifolia). This is the only variety tree that I know of that has two common names in English and two botanical names. To further confuse the issue, in bonsai circles it is sometimes referred to as Goyomatsu (Japanese - Goyo = five needle, Matsu = pine)

We never go too long without visiting our friend Suthin Sukosolvisit. If you’d like more, here’s a link to dozens of other Suthin posts we’ve featured over the years.



Before. A tree in need of styling and a new pot



Wanna learn more about Japanese white pines?
Our Master’s Series Pine Book
list price 34.95

30% to 50% off all Books

see below


Another radical transformation! Suthin doesn't say how much time elapsed between the before and after.



A closer look at the bark and Suthin's carving.



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How Not to Water Your Bonsai – This Just Might Be the Most Important Watering Advice You’ll Ever Read

b1junp10This illustration by Kyosuke Gun is from our Masters' Series Juniper book. It is a perfect fit for this post that is borrowed from Michael Hagedorn's  Crataegus Bonsai.

We originally featured this post in June, 2009. It’s one of our earliest and perhaps one of our most important. I don’t think we’ve featured it since 2009, clearly an oversight on our part. Especially considering the importance of the topic and our source. Michael Hagedorn knows more about the inner workings of bonsai and bonsai care than almost anybody, so paying attention to what he has to say is always a good idea.

The following is quoted from Michael…
Before the real summer heat hits, consider how you are watering your trees. Have you ever seen your trees grow through spring just fine, only to get fried leaves at the first onset of early summer? Ever wonder why that happens?
Continued below…


A Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) 'cliff bonsai' from Michael Hagedorns' portfolio

Michael continued from above…
Those trees just don’t have enough roots. Those are the trees that got overwatered, or simply never dried out, in the cool spring months. Their roots were never encouraged to hunt out water, so these trees could survive in the moist cool weather on about three roots. First hot day: bam, they get hit hard as they have a spindly root system, not enough to support their overlarge, over long leaves and shoots on dry hot days. (A bonsai version of a company that has overspent just before a recession…)

“Especially on cool overcast days, if you can monitor them, water each tree only when it is really drying out and not by rote. Watering by a schedule is the surest way to have some really weak trees that show themselves in the hot summer!

Site Wide Sale Ends Sunday Night – Deep Discounts on All Your Bonsai Essentials


This Sierra juniper by Boon Manakitivipart has the distinction of being on the cover of our final issue of Bonsai Today (issue 108). Bonsai Today magazine back issues are included in our Site Wide Sale which ends Sunday night (March 25th) at 11:59pm EDT








Before & After Bonsai – a ‘Grandiose’ Transformation


Before and after. The tree is a Lawson's cypress (Chaemacyparis Louïsiana 'Elwoodii'). Here's the caption copied directly from Michel Delen, our source for these photos... "Chaemacyparis Louïsiana 'Elwoodii' AFTER Grandioos Noelanders Marc."
I’m impressed. The date on the before  is Feb  8th of this year and the date on the after is March 22nd (two days ago). Given just how little time elapsed, it’s an remarkable transformation. All the photos in this post are from Michel Delen’s timeline.
You might assume from the caption and the photo below that the artist is Marc Noelanders. It’s unclear who the tree belongs to, but perhaps it’s Michel’s. The untranslated word Grandioos looks suspiciously like it might be Flemish (Belgian Dutch) for Grandiose. Maybe this is a way of saying highly accomplished, or something like that.
Continued below…



Just in case you’re curious about Lawson’s cypress, here’s something from Dobbies Garden Center…  “Lawson’s cypress all originate from seed collected in Oregon and California, USA and sent to Lawson Nursery near Edinburgh in Scotland in 1854. The modern cultivars spring from these plants.” You might wonder why the botanical name is C. Louïsiana if the species is from the West Coast. If so, you’re not alone.



After. A little soil removal and you've got a pretty good nebari. The deadwood around the base of the trunk must have been roots that were also exposed when soil was removed.



Marc Noelanders with tree and date

One Bonsai, Three Seasons, Four Photos


Fall. Luis Vallejo calls this tree a Spanish oak (Quercus faginea) though Wikipedia and some others refer to it as Portuguese oak (other names that popped up are Valencian oak and Lusitanian oak).  It belongs to Luis and resides at the the Municipal Bonsai Museum of Alcobendas in Spain.

Welcome to Luis Vallejo’s Bonsai Bark (just kidding). This post features four photos of a single tree over three seasons (winter twice; not sure what happened to spring). There’s a lot more we could say, especially about the Museo de Bonsai Alcobendas and Luis Vallejo’s (and others) involvement, but it’s a whole lot easier to simply invite you to click here and get it straight from the source 




Winter with companion


Winter with snow

Mossy Bonsai Glade & Other Brilliant Forests


Here's what Felix Laughlin, the president of the National Bonsai Foundation wrote about this outstanding forest...  "Wayne, the photo of the  forest of Chinese elms is from the North American Collection at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum, and was donated by Susanne Barrymore; it’s been in training since 1988."

Two full  pallets of Green T turntables just arrived, and a large shipment of Bonsai Aesthetics wire and tools is due any minute, so it’s time for a shortcut. This post originally appeared here February, 2017. As usual, I’ve made a few changes.


Does five trunks constitute a forest? Maybe we should call it a mossy glade. Whatever you call it, it has to be one of the most impressive multiple trunk bonsai anywhere. It doesn't hurt that the individual trees can stand on their own, especially the twin trunk tree on the right (the focal point). The magnificent pot looks like an escarpment in the Rockies. Robert Steven took the photo at the 2012 BCI convention in Guangzhou, China. Though it's easy enough to tell it's a pine forest, my eyes aren't sharp enough to tell the species.



The sheer size and inventiveness of this mammoth planting is beyond impressive, though I'm not sure how the two distinctly different parts belong together. In fact, the large trees above that appear so close to the viewer, betray the distant feel of the smaller trees below. Still, based on sheer magnitude and daring, this is a planting that you'll most likely never forget. The trees are Hedge maples (Acer campestre). I've seen this photo several places. This time it was here.

B1KATOcovertreesRecognize this? You probably do if you've been around for a while. If not, this is what a planting by a bonsai master might look like.


Here it is on the cover of one of the four or five best bonsai books in the English language (or any language). Available at Stone Lantern.

Majestic Bonsai Vista


You don't see that many bonsai photos with such majestic vistas in the background. I don't know where the shot was taken, nor do I know the variety of the tree but I do know that the photo and the tree are from Yoshio Nihei.

Continuing from yesterday with bonsai we found on Magdalena Chiavazza’s timeline (we had trouble with the link yesterday, so I hope this one takes). Magdalena doesn’t offer the varieties (except for the Satsuki azalea below) but she is meticulous about the all-important attribution


Seduction. Again we don't know the variety but we do know that Magdalena found the photo on Martin Aloi's timeline


Here's Magdalena's caption with machine translation... Tonino Guarracino... Tú eres el autor de este hermoso ejemplar? Gracias!!!  You are the author of this beautiful specimen? Thank you!!!


Magdalena provides attribution and link with this powerful Azalea... Bonsai-Satsuki Hans-Herbert


Another one by Yoshio Nihei. I cropped it for a closer look at the main tree. The original photo is just below




paintingOkay, not a bonsai but I thought you might like this anyway. Here's Magdalena's caption with machine translation and my comment...Bellisimo pastel en papel; Un paisaje muy bonito de la Artista: Martina Zingler. Beautiful cake*on paper; a very beautiful landscape by the artist: Martina Zingler.
 *The mind of a machine... pastel = pastry = cake

Magdalena’s Mixed Media Bonsai


I'm not sure what kind of tree this is, though if I had to guess, I'd say it's a freshly leafed out Larch. But don't quote me. I found it and all the other photos shown here on Magdalena Chiavazza's timeline. Magdalena's caption for this one is... Oh!!! me encanto, hermoso ejemplar!!-Christian Przybylski (the artist). The machine translation is... Oh!!! I love it, beautiful specimen!!- Christian Przybylski

Last night I spent about and hour on facebook looking for something new when I stumbled upon Magdalena Chiavazza (for some reason I couldn’t get the link to take). None of the trees or art belong to Magdalena, but that’s okay, everything is attributed and linked, and attribution warms my heart (see our last two posts). And Magdalena’s good eye doesn’t hurt a bit.
Continued below…


I cropped off part of this tree because of some serious distraction (the uncropped original is below). Like all of Magdalena's captions, this one includes the artist's name and link... Hermoso verdad?--Andreas Holzer. I can manage this one with my primitive Spanish... Beautiful, true?

Continued from above
The only thing missing are the varieties of the trees, but given all the great attributed and linked shots, we can live with it. Enjoy! 



Josef Burschl; Hermoso ejemplar!!!




I couldn’t resist. Here’s Magdalena’s caption… Si voy a mostrar Arte; que sea de la buena!!!! bello trabajo del Artista:: Steven Lee Adams me encanto!!! If I am to show art; let it be good!!!! A beautiful work of the art by Steven Lee Adams I love it!!!



Aha, the variety is listed right on the photo. A European larch with the new buds ready to pop. Here's the caption... Un final estupendo Michele Andolfo!! A stupendous result by Michele Andolfo!!



The uncropped original

Spring Bonsai in Full Bloom


You don't see cascading Azalea bonsai all that often. This flowing full flowering favorite (sorry about that) is by Teunis Jan Klein. Speaking of Azaleas, we just received our spring shipment of Kanuma azalea bonsai soil

Monday morning so we’ll make this quick. This post is borrowed from our archives (March 8, 2017). The photos were originally from  a Bonsai Empire post titled Bonsai in Full Bloom.


Prunus mume (Japanese Apricot). Photo by Michael Bonsai


Azalea Bonsai in full bloom, by Makoto Tsuji


Wisteria bonsai in full bloom by Heike van Gunst